Mission, Values, Aims and Ethos
At St Hilary’s, we aim to educate the whole child by providing unequalled opportunities, support and encouragement for the ongoing development of academic, creative, spiritual, social, cultural and physical aspects of our children’s lives.
- Honesty
- Patience
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Aspiration
- Empathy
- Inclusivity
- Creativity
- Perseverance
- Resilience
- Kindness
We actively promote democracy, the rule of the law, individual liberty and respect of those with different faiths and beliefs. These are fundamental British values which underpin all that we offer, as does our motto ‘Not for oneself but for all.’
The ethos of St Hilary's is embedded in its aims which are:
to provide an outstanding, all round education
to equip pupils with the qualities and skills required in school and beyond
to recognise and utilise all our pupils' talents, whether academic, musical, sporting or other
to ensure that all children - whatever their ability - achieve their full potential
to develop in our children a real thirst for learning
to transmit strong, traditional, moral values based on our school's family ethos
to provide a warm, safe and caring environment that enables all children to thrive
We do this by:
providing a broad and balanced curriculum with strong subject specialist teaching
building in opportunities for independent learning, creativity, problem-solving and use of technology
varying and enhancing our curriculum with extra-curricular activities, specialist subject days, visiting speakers, outside visits, workshops, house events and challenges
delivering a well-developed PSCHE programme, encouraging staff and older pupils to be role models; providing a buddy system between Years 1 and 5, shared activities between Years 2 and 4 and a paired reading scheme between Years 3 and 6