
At St Hilary’s we know that Mathematics equips pupils with a uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world.  

These tools include logical reasoning, problem-solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways.  We know that Mathematics is important in everyday life, many forms of employment, science and technology, medicine, the economy, the environment and development, and in public decision-making. 

We intend pupils to take their skills beyond the classroom and enable them to be independent citizens.  For the staff at St Hilary’s it can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder when a pupil solves a problem for the first time, discovers a more elegant solution to that problem, or suddenly sees hidden connections.

Small group sizes, the use of practical apparatus and the interactive smart boards, a safe environment in which pupils can take a risk and a smooth transition between Key Stages enables pupils to reach their potential.  Texts include Abacus in Pre-Prep and in Prep Maths on Target and Letts whilst Mathletics, a web-based programme, is used by pupils in lessons and at home to reinforce mathematical learning taking place in school. 

In Prep pupils are set in ability groups. They are fully prepared for the requirements of local senior school examinations and Common Entrance. The National Curriculum in England: Mathematics Programmes of Study for Key Stages 1 and 2 is followed although many other resources are used to enhance the framework to ensure all pupils embrace Mathematics with enthusiasm and confidence.

St Hilary’s School, Holloway Hill, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1RZ  •  Tel: 01483 416551  •  Email:
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