
Philosophy is the pursuit of truth; the love of wisdom and at St Hilary's we are encouraging pupils to question critically.  

We guide our girls and boys to cultivate thinking skills, to be creative, collaborative, caring, critical, reason and to be analytical. We consider these essential life skills that will play a huge part in ensuring our pupils live fulfilling lives.

Half termly, Year 2 through to Year 6 partake in a half hour session of Philosophy.  Sessions involve an activity to get the pupils thinking, such as a role play, a story or a sorting activity. From this, discussion comes - often about concepts which are normally just assumed or we think are right because that is what we are always told. The pupils drive the discussion with their thoughts, questioning each other respectfully and refining their thinking. 

In addition to our lessons, `St Hilary's and the Philosopher's Stone’ takes place every Friday. The question is added to our Friday Notes to enable families to discuss it with their children, if they so wish. This is a question which the children are also encouraged to discuss with their friends at playtime. 

St Hilary’s School, Holloway Hill, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1RZ  •  Tel: 01483 416551  •  Email:
Skype: sthilarysschoolgodalming  •  Find us on Facebook •   Follow us on Twitter •   Follow us on Instagram

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