Forest School

“Helping young people to experience and handle risk is part of preparing them for adult life and the world of work. Young people can gain this experience by participating in challenging and exciting outdoor events made possible by organisations prepared to adopt a common sense and proportionate approach that balances benefits and risk.”  

Judith Hackett, HSE

At our school, we aim to provide children with inspiring opportunities to enable them to develop into well-rounded individuals who are confident to take and manage risks.  Through our Forest School curriculum, we aim to motivate learners and engage them in a child centred approach to develop confidence and self-esteem.

The Forest School leader and assistant provide a range of opportunities for children to gain and develop new age appropriate skills.  For example, this may include using knives for whittling, using bow saws, lighting fires, campfire cooking, tying knots, den building, natural artwork, mud café role play, putting up tarpaulins, low ropes and tree climbing.  Pupils will also be free to make up their own activities and imaginative play is very much to be encouraged.  

From Year 3 – 6, pupils have half termly sessions of Forest School each term.  These sessions last for one hour and pupils need to be appropriately dressed as we do go out whatever the weather!

St Hilary’s School, Holloway Hill, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1RZ  •  Tel: 01483 416551  •  Email:
Skype: sthilarysschoolgodalming  •  Find us on Facebook •   Follow us on Twitter •   Follow us on Instagram

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